Our busy and hectic lives often get in the way of us cleaning out our refrigerator. While I would suggest that you actually clean your fridge more than once a year, this is a good reminder of doing it now BEOFRE the holidays hit.
Things are often pushed to the back and then forgotten about...until you open that chicken to use it TONIGHT for tacos and the smell has you immediately looking for the trash can to throw it out AND panicking since you're in the middle of dinner.
How many of us have condiments that were opened 'sometime' and we didn't get around to using all of them before they went bad? Then it continues to sit in the door begging us to throw it away because we didn't like it, we forgot to use it and now it's not only expired, but also it started growing the next science project.
Cleaning out the fridge on a regular basis, and more than once a year, can help us eliminate food waste. The average American family throws out an average of $30 per week/$1600 in food. Imagine if you added cleaning out the fridge to your weekly routine or BEFORE you went grocery shopping! Your grocery bill may decrease by more than $100 per month and you'd have less food waste!

Your pantry may also hold some hidden stashes of food, too!